The Westminster project is the company’s lead project in the centre of the Tennant Creek Goldfield and encompasses an area of 5.96 km2. The project area includes some of the earliest workings and discoveries in the field dating from the mid 1930's.

Truscott was able to consolidate several smaller tenement holdings to provide sufficient area to support a practical scale of exploration activity. To date exploration by Truscott has been concentrated on a 2.2-kilometre strike length of mineralised sediments that also contains historical artesian high grade gold workings.

Scanning along the line of strike, across the Westminster Project allows an understanding of the distribution of ore body targets that occurs across the fold zone of an intersection. Observing at this scale also provides an opportunity to place in context the overall size and direction of the discrete orebodies.

The mathematical modeling effectively describes the size of the dilation opening within which energy transference occurs, with repetitions (Figure 4) across the fold. The ore bodies within the dilation openings align with 070 degree and have modeled (fractal four) footprint length of 330 meters.

Having confirmed the modeling of and the context within which the Westminster Project sites, we are able to specifically review the status of the Project.

The block model for the first orebody of the Westminster Project (Figure 5) describes a footprint that is equivalent in length and the 070 degree orientation of the modeling.

Drilling undertaken within the upper part of the orebody target zone, with deeper drilling in the footwall zone of the ore system indicates continuation and an increase in intensity.

Detailed modelling at ore-pod level has commenced with a view to achieving increased control over future resource estimates and a well-established framework around which to undertake mine-design.

Structural modelling and scout drilling indicates the potential for the multiple orebody targets along the strike length of the Westminster Project to aggregate into a multi-million-ounce target.

The Company is looking, in the first instance, for gold grades to be robust enough to support commercial development on a stand-alone basis and is currently not assigning credits for other metals.

A cross section of historical drilling by Truscott at Orebody Target One introduces observations on repetitions of distribution of mineralisation with depth.

Westminster Project

Figure 4: Characterisation of Ore body target locations across fractal three-fold elements

The cross section of the block model (Figure 6) is substantively related to the upper purple zone. Where gold grades intersections exceed 15g/t Au in the ore lenses of the upper part of the system.

Observations on other ore systems indicate that an increase in overall mineralisation with depth (brown, green) is typical for these systems.

Drilling in the adjacent footwall of the main target zone has encountered continuity of bismuth mineralisation to depth, drill holes within the target zone await extension to evaluate for gold mineralisation.

Due to the tenor of the mineralisation the establishment of a 400,000-to-500,000-ounce resource estimate for ore body target one would provide the basis for transition to design, engineering, and final feasibility study activities.

Figure 6: Cross Section Ore body 1 (one) - Westminster Project

Figure 5: Footprint for Ore body 1 (one) - Westminster Project

Exploration Framework
High Grade Gold
Project Management